Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Town Hall ASAP

Have you ever heard of people saying rush or ASAP. Are you wondering about what is rush or ASAP.If you wanna know and do TH ASAP. Then you are in right place.

Rush means when someone upgrade his TH without maxing out  his/her TH. TH ASAP(as early as possible) is similar but you do this in organised manner for developing faster.

If you wanna develop faster then there is no need to max your th2 .3 and 4. Some reasons why we should do upgrade town hall 5 ASAP.

1). You will get high level troops upto level 3
2). You will be able to get loot from collectors of inactive bases.
3). You can perform better in clan wars and will be able to get high loot from war bonus
4). You will develop faster if you are not in mood to buy gems.

The things you should keep on mind that regularly upgrade your troops and max your storages first in order to upgrade your Th and give away less loot from attackers and then upgrade 1 collector and 1 defensive building at a time . Never let your builders sleep and your research factory empty, Before upgrading get the maxed troop and max out your army camps. Once all army camps storages are upgraded and you fell satisfied with your base upgrade your TH. Repeat the steps until you get TH5.

Some people also recommend TH7 ASAP because you get dragon and you can use them to attack in war. Its up to you whether you want to max each and every town hall or do TH5 or TH7 ASAP.

When you done TH5or7 ASAP be sure to max out each and every building and then upgrade your TH.

1 comment:

  1. nice post...
    Th5 rush is good...i was sticking to th7 rush though. It awesome if you give more clash of clans beginner guide.
